How do I get from Bordeaux to Mérignac during a business trip?

Bordeaux's nearest airport is around 6 kilometres away in Mérignac. It's good to know how to get to the city from the airport and back, especially when you're travelling on business Knowing the best places to eat out in Mérignac and where to stay is also a must. 

How do I get from Bordeaux to Mérignac?

You can get to Mérignac by train, bus, tram, car, or taxi. There are shuttle buses from Bordeaux city centre to Mérignac airport, notably from Saint-Jean station. Bordeaux-Mérignac journey is doable all year round in thirty minutes. A tram line also links the two city centres. If you opt for a taxi, there are a number of taxi ranks and companies to take you to Mérignac. And finally, if you're driving, the expressway is a very fast option. There's a drop-off car park at the airport which is free for 5 minutes. 

Where are the best places to eat and stay in Mérignac?

Are you worried you won't find anywhere to eat in the evening in Mérignac? It's a major suburban town, so there are plenty of good places to eat in Mérignac. However, we recommend choosing a restaurant close to your accommodation rather than travelling too far. There are some great options right outside Appart'Hôtel Mérignac
